Error when accessing the user login page

Hello Everyone,
I’m getting this error when accessing the user login page

anyone with an idea on what might be causing such error.

thank you in advance.

Hi @omboi_paul! Can you tell us a little more about how/when you get this error? Which user login page are you referring to, exactly? Does the admin login work? What kind of setup do you have for your server?

Thank you @elmps2018 for your quick response, I’m able to access the php admin page to create users but i was having challenge when login in into " [http://[IP_ADDRESS]/web-ui/login] to access user data.

Please I need help in accessing my digital ocean server using ODK-X suitcase. every time i put details an error is thrown "unable to reach cloud endpoint server. I have confirmed the user and url are correct.

have you encountered such an error before, what could be the cause?

Those two problems make it sound like maybe your digital ocean server didn’t launch correctly or is down. Have you checked the settings and instructions for setting up? Setup ODK-X Sync Endpoint with Cloud Services — ODK-X Docs
the logs may have some insights if there were issues.

Thank you once again for your support, I will have to redeploy the server though I followed all the steps to the latter. i guess the issues could be the way I’m linking the sub domain to the droplet.

I’m grateful.

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Hello @elmps2018 , I want to appreciate your support, I did reinstall the droplet afresh and changed https to http and I’m now able to access the server.

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