Using Suitcase to add and update observations?

Hi Caroline,

The option for uploading data using Suitcase is update. This feature is only available from the command line.

To use the update function of Suitcase, invoke the Suitcase jar with the -update switch.
For example,
If I have the following server configuration

Server Address
App Id default
Username admin
Password mySecurePassword123

And I want to update the table with table id household using data stored in a CSV located at /home/user/household_april.csv.

I would use the following command:

java -jar 'ODK Suitcase v2.0.3 rev 220.jar' \
  -cloudEndpointUrl '' \
  -appId 'default' \
  -dataVersion 2 \
  -username 'admin' \
  -password 'mySecurePassword123' \
  -update \
  -tableId 'household' \
  -path '/home/user/household_april.csv'

The CSV file used for this operation is mostly the same as the one used for data pre-loading on Android, with one small difference.

The first column of the CSV file has to be an operation column.
The valid values for this column are: FORCE_UPDATE, UPDATE, NEW and DELETE
The value in this column instructs Suitcase how to treat that row.

Both of these options are used for updating data on the server. They update data on the server by matching the _id. FORCE_UPDATE retries updates that failed with a more aggressive strategy.

Used for creating new rows.

Used for deleting rows. Rows are matched using _id.