define(['promptTypes','jquery','underscore', 'opendatakit', 'database', 'prompts'], function(promptTypes, $, _, opendatakit, database) { // custom functions are placed under 'window' to be visible in calculates... // note that you need to be careful about naming -- should probably go somewhere else? window.is_finalized = function() { return ('COMPLETE' === database.getInstanceMetaDataValue('_savepoint_type')); }; var async_assign = promptTypes.base.extend({ type: "async_assign", debug: false, valid: true, templatePath: '../config/tables/adoption_survey/forms/adoption_survey/templates/async_assign.handlebars', _cachedSelection: null, getLinkedTableId: function() { var queryDefn = opendatakit.getQueriesDefinition(this.values_list); if ( queryDefn != null ) { if ( queryDefn.linked_table_id == null ) { return queryDefn.linked_form_id; } else { return queryDefn.linked_table_id; } } else { odkCommon.log('E',"query definiton is null for " + this.type + " in getLinkedTableId"); return null; } }, getLinkedFormId: function() { var queryDefn = opendatakit.getQueriesDefinition(this.values_list); if ( queryDefn != null ) { return queryDefn.linked_form_id; } else { odkCommon.log('E',"query definiton is null for " + this.type + " in getLinkedFormId"); return null; } }, getLinkedFieldName: function() { var queryDefn = opendatakit.getQueriesDefinition(this.values_list); if ( queryDefn != null ) { return queryDefn.fieldName; } else { odkCommon.log('E',"query definiton is null for " + this.type + " in getLinkedFieldName"); return null; } }, getFormPath: function() { if ( this.getLinkedFormId() === "framework" ) { return '../config/assets/framework/forms/framework/'; } else { return '../config/tables/' + this.getLinkedTableId() + '/forms/' + this.getLinkedFormId() + '/'; } }, convertSelection: function(linkedMdl) { var queryDefn = opendatakit.getQueriesDefinition(this.values_list); var that = this; if ( queryDefn.selection == null || queryDefn.selection.length === 0 ) { return null; } if ( that._cachedSelection != null ) { return that._cachedSelection; } that._cachedSelection = database.convertSelectionString(linkedMdl, queryDefn.selection); return that._cachedSelection; }, _linkedCachedMdl: null, _linkedCachedInstanceName: null, getLinkedInstanceName: function() { return this._linkedCachedInstanceName; }, getLinkedMdl: function(ctxt) { var that = this; if ( that._linkedCachedMdl != null ) { ctxt.success(that._linkedCachedMdl); return; } var filePath = that.getFormPath() + 'formDef.json'; opendatakit.readFormDefFile($.extend({},ctxt,{success:function(formDef) { var ino = opendatakit.getSettingObject(formDef, 'instance_name'); if ( ino !== null ) { that._linkedCachedInstanceName = ino.value; } else { that._linkedCachedInstanceName = null; } database.readTableDefinition($.extend({}, ctxt, {success:function(tlo) { ctxt.log('D',"prompts." + that.type + 'getLinkedMdl.readTableDefinition.success', "px: " + that.promptIdx ); that._linkedCachedMdl = tlo; ctxt.success(tlo); }}), formDef, that.getLinkedTableId(), filePath); }}), filePath ); }, choice_filter: function(){ return true; }, configureRenderContext: function(ctxt) { var that = this; var queryDefn = opendatakit.getQueriesDefinition(this.values_list); ctxt.log('D',"prompts." + that.type + ".configureRenderContext", "px: " + that.promptIdx); that.getLinkedMdl($.extend({},ctxt,{success:function(linkedMdl) { var dbTableName = linkedMdl.table_id; var selString = that.convertSelection(linkedMdl); var selArgs = queryDefn.selectionArgs(); var displayElementName = that.getLinkedFieldName(); ctxt.log('D',"prompts." + that.type + ".configureRenderContext.before.get_linked_instances", "px: " + that.promptIdx); database.get_linked_instances($.extend({},ctxt,{success:function(instanceList) { ctxt.log('D',"prompts." + that.type + ".configureRenderContext.success.get_linked_instances", "px: " + that.promptIdx); var filteredInstanceList = _.filter(instanceList, function(instance) { return that.choice_filter(instance); }); instanceList = filteredInstanceList; // get the value we are aggregating var valueList =, function(instance) { return instance['display_field']; }); // discard any nulls or undefineds valueList = _.filter(valueList, function(value) { return value !== null && value !== undefined; }); var aggValue; if ( valueList.length === 0 ) { // set aggValue to null aggValue = null; if ( that.type === "async_assign_total" ) { aggValue = 0.0; } else if ( that.type === "async_assign_count" ) { aggValue = 0; } } else { if ( that.type === "async_assign_max" ) { aggValue = _.max(valueList); } else if ( that.type === "async_assign_min" ) { aggValue = _.min(valueList); } else if ( that.type === "async_assign_avg" ) { var sum = _.reduce(valueList, function(memo, value) { return memo + value; }, 0.0); aggValue = sum / valueList.length; } else if ( that.type === "async_assign_sum" || that.type === "async_assign_total" ) { var sum = _.reduce(valueList, function(memo, value) { return memo + value; }, 0.0); aggValue = sum; } else if ( that.type === "async_assign_count" ) { aggValue = valueList.length; } else { ctxt.log('E',"prompts." + that.type + ".configureRenderContext.unrecognizedPromptType", "px: " + that.promptIdx); aggValue = null; } } that.setValueDeferredChange(aggValue); that.renderContext.type = that.type; that.renderContext.valueList = JSON.stringify(valueList); that.renderContext.aggValue = (aggValue === null) ? "null" : ((aggValue === undefined) ? "undefined" : aggValue); ctxt.log('D',"prompts." + that.type + ".configureRenderContext.success.get_linked_instances.success", "px: " + that.promptIdx + " instanceList: " + instanceList.length); ctxt.success(); }}), dbTableName, selString, selArgs, displayElementName, null); }})); } }); return { "async_assign" : async_assign, "async_assign_max" : async_assign.extend({ type: "async_assign_max", datatype: "number" }), "async_assign_min" : async_assign.extend({ type: "async_assign_min", datatype: "number" }), "async_assign_avg" : async_assign.extend({ type: "async_assign_avg", datatype: "number" }), "async_assign_sum" : async_assign.extend({ type: "async_assign_sum", datatype: "number" }), "async_assign_total" : async_assign.extend({ type: "async_assign_total", datatype: "number" }), "async_assign_count" : async_assign.extend({ type: "async_assign_count", datatype: "integer" }) }});