"display_field" in framework.xlsx. How to define?

In the default “framework_translations” sheet in the samples provided, there is reference to the “display_field”. This field is not referenced in the documentation, here:


(and this documentation states: “This worksheet is already populated, you do not need to edit this worksheet.”)

And it (display_field) isn’t defined on any of the template “settings” sheets. I’ve tried defining display_field on the settings sheet of my framework.xlsx and my own form. I’ve also tried changing “display_field” to a field name from the survey.

I’m either barking up the wrong tree or have my syntax wrong. Can someone help or direct me to where correct usage of 'display_field" is applied?

Using the framework translations as they are my form ends with 'You are at the end of instance: “” ’ and when editing a form: “You are at the start of a new instance.”

There is some mention of display field here Survey formDef.json Structure — ODK-X Docs
that may help.

But more importantly, what is it that you are trying to do with display_field? Or with the framework? Do you want an example of framework translations?

It appears to be defined by 'instance_name" on the settings tab on the survey form. It seems that the field I had defined for instance_name was not being populated. When I changed it to a field that was, then code that uses “display_field” in the framework could grab data from the field defined as instance_name in the survey form.

@elmps2018, to answer your question, I was just using all the defaults that came with the template … and the parts of the workflow that use display_field weren’t working so I was trying to figure out why. It seems that instance_name is the answer to that puzzle.

Thanks for the reply.

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