Edit Rating Type Question in XLSform

Hi, I am new in data collecting field. Currently I am building a questionnaire for development sector, heavily contained of rating type question (I am building it on Kobotoolbox Formbuilder). But since I need to ‘personalize’ it with my team’s needs, I am generating the xlsform from the system and then re-upload it in the Kobo.

But everytime I upload the xlsform (which I generated from the formbuilder), the text turns out okay (it needs the line breaks, bold-italic font, etc), but the rating type question always changed to ‘select-one’ type.

As I dig in, I need to change the Appearance on the xlsform and fill in the Parameters column, but in my xlsform, there is no Parameters column.

I wonder if I can just simply insert column in my xlsform or I need to do something else.

Please kindly help. Thanks a lot.

Hi @wiydiy! Great that you are starting in on data collection! This is the forum for the ODK-X tools, not the ODK tools or Kobo (comparison). The ODK Forum is here: https://forum.getodk.org/ and Kobo here: https://community.kobotoolbox.org/

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