another problem is in my app, when i open the form so that i can feed the data i get the error of form id, here are the screenshot of where i open the form and the error i get.
tabs to open the form:
here is an error i get when i open one of the form.
Hi @Godfrey_John1! As I mentioned with the previous post, please make sure to use distinct topics for distinct errors. This looks like an issue with the form_id for the membership form. If you can share that form it might be helpful. You should also check the file structure is set up correctly for the form_id and table_id Application Designer Directory Structure — ODK-X Docs and also that the framework reflects this structure - the framework is what shapes this first screen you screenshot.
where can i get the source code for the app of hope project? i want to customize in the similar structure, if you can help the source code i will be gratefully.
i have followed the structure of the hope project, but i get difficult in some of forms, i see all the forms use the same table which is femalClients, i see all fields forms, may you help me to structure it so that i can have the same flow as of hope project? just give all necessary form and sheet i need to have in the form (Structure)
@Godfrey_John1 you’ll need to structure the framework and folders following the forms you have - using a different structure (for example, if you use femaleClients as the folder when your table is member) is likely what is causing problems. The link I shared covers the structure generally. It may also be helpful to walk through Building an Application — ODK-X Docs which covers how to set up a new example.