@Godfrey_John1 thanks for these additional details! So to clarify: Your “admin” tablet successfully shows the forms in tables and survey. When you reset the app server you can see your forms on the server. But when the user syncs from the server they do not have forms. Is this correct? Can you check in the files on the tablet whether after syncing the different folders are there (for instance, is the assets folder there, or the tables folders for each of your tables?).
okay, the user see the list of forms as a notification of successfully syncs there come the list on pop up modal, but after pressing ok on the notification modal, the user fails to see the forms from a display, it writes nothing to display
@Godfrey_John1 can you check whether the files are on the tablet? If you go to “Files” you should be able to check if your tablet has the tables’ files in app/config/tables or not.
Or alternatively, if you push the default app (the one you download with app designer) to your server and sync, then you can tell if it’s the app or something about the setup based on whether those default apps work.
What version of Android is the tablet? What kind of tablet?