Introduction and immediate contribution guidance

Hello ODK-X Community,

My name is Carter Theogene, and I am thrilled to join this vibrant community! I’m a Computer Engineering student passionate about App development, JavaScript, and UI design. I’ve recently discovered the Outreachy program and am particularly interested in contributing to the “ODK-X Mobile Apps UI Design Consistency” project.

Given the fast-approaching application deadline, I’m eager to get involved and contribute. Could anyone point me towards immediate tasks or “good first issues” suitable for my skills? I’m ready to dive in and contribute to enhancing ODK-X’s UI uplift.

Thank you for welcoming me into this community. I look forward to collaborating and learning with you all!


Hi @carther91! Please see this thread: Welcome Outreachy Applicants - Spring 2024 for guidance about contributing and identifying a good first issue.