Hello everyone. I use the Hope application in ODK-X Tables for household follow up. I made some changes and for now I can display the list of households in femaleClients_list.html, but when I want to have more details and the forms for the follow up by clicking on the identifiers, the femaleClients_details.html page is empty . When I put everything back as before with the dummy data from the femaleClients table, everything works.
I would like to know how the femaleClients_details.js page retrieves information about the record clicked on.
I’ve attached a video of what happens when I want to display details about a household.
I have some basics in programming but I don’t know anything about Javascript.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Francky_NGUEMA! I don’t know much Javascript, but can you possibly change things more incrementally to figure out what step is causing the problem? For instance, is it that you are deleting all the data, or is there a key variable that indexes the lists? You might be able to figure that out by some incremental trial and error.
Hello @elmps2018, sorry for the late response.
The data are not deleted. When I put the former femaleClients_detail.js and femaleClients_list.js files, everything works normally. I noticed that when I comment out the age and randomization lines in the femaleClients_detail.html file so that only the client number is displayed, it is displayed but the forms are not.
Hello @Francky_NGUEMA ,
I would recommend attaching a (javascript) debugger to see if some errors are written in the console…
If you have attached the android device (i.e. “adb” is working), you can use Google Chrome to debug the webview inside Tables/Survey by opening Chrome and navigating to: chrome://inspect