Missing data error when downloading forms - Error de datos faltantes al descargar formularios

Good day,

I work with OdkTables, Survey and Services and the Apks son of version v2.0 RC-2 rev 212, Installed in Tablets with Android 7.0 and Nox emulator, with Android Version 5.1. The problem is that there is information saved in the forms that a previous programmer designed, the form does not allow to finish by the value required by “constrain”, for that reason we must keep them as incomplete, when downloading these data, which are about 200 fields, the data that are downloaded by means of a PULL, and these rest in a Sqlite, the data that appear in this Sqlite are not complete or values ​​appear that are not shown in the form that is saved. Could you tell me what I can do to get this data correctly?

Thank you

Buen dia,

Trabajo con OdkTables, Survey y Services y los Apks hijo de la versión v2.0 RC-2 rev 212, Instalado en Tabletas con Android 7.0 y emulador Nox, con Android Version 5.1. El problema radica en que hay información gurdada en los formularios que diseño un programador anterior, el formulario no permite finalizar por valor requerido por “constrain”, por ello debemos guardarlos como incompletos, al descargar estos datos que son tablas unos 200 campos, los datos que se descargan por medio de un PULL, y estos reposan en una Sqlite, los datos que aparecen en este Sqlite no estan completos o aparecen valores que no son los que muestra en el formulario que esta guardado. Podrian indicarme que puedo hacer para poder sacar estos datos de forma correcta?.


Dear Marcela,

I would first suggest you double check ODK Tables to make sure that the data appear correctly in ODK Tables. If the data looks right in ODK tables, then I would suggest next you try downloading from your server with ODK Suitcase. I would guess you want the same rev212 version as your Tables and Survey and such from here:

You can also try exporting directly from Tables to see if the data exports correctly, see here for a description:

Hopefully one of these will work to get you your data correctly!


In addition to Caroline’s worthwhile suggestions, I also had some ideas on how to address the issue.

It sounds like you have created a constraint or required field that is never satisfied. Fixing the constraint or required field would allow you to finish forms. Is the constraint/required field within an if statement or used only when some other condition is satisfied? If it is, then you will have to add to the constraint/required field the condition that makes the if statement true as well as your original conditional. Also, feel free to provide an example of your form. We can better diagnose the issue with the form especially if my suggestion above does not address your issue. Changing the logic in a form will work with existing data as long as you are not changing the underlying database schema (i.e. adding or deleting columns).

In terms of the data in your SQLite database, if you are pulling the file off of your device using the Android Debug Bridge (adb), then you need to pull everything in the /sdcard/opendatakit/default/data/webDb directory including the sqlite.db-wal and sqlite.db-shm files to ensure that what you are seeing in the database is the most relevant.

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!