I get a challenge on lunching my app as a demo, i took an example of a hope project to design my app, unfortunately after running “adbpush”, there is no update in my device, i just use default server for testing. I would like to get your help or guidance on key things that i should consider.
Hi @Godfrey_John1! I am not quite clear what the problem is, is there an issue pushing to the tablet or with the server? Pushing to the tablet alone won’t update the server, you have to reset the app server as well (in Services) after pushing.
So i have to reset the configuration in service after pushing?
What i have done is that, i have created an app, then i put on the tabs for demo (where we find hope, tea project e.t.c) then i ran adbpush to push to my tablet, but when i run sync i dont see the changes, i dont see my forms in survey app, i dont see the tab of my app in the list of demo apps.
Again, as @elmps2018 stated it would be helpful if you state more precisely what you are trying to do. As I responded to your question in another thread that might be related: