ODK 2.0 Tool Suite Release - v2.0.4

The latest release of the ODK 2.0 Tool Suite is now available for download!

The ODK 2.0 Tool Suite is an alternative to the ODK 1.x Tool Suite rather than a replacement. ODK 2.0 is designed for complex workflows and information management. A simple migration path between 1.x and 2.0 does not yet exist because they are based on different standards.

Information about the 2.0 Tool Suite can be found at https://docs.opendatakit.org/odk2. More information will be available once the revised ODK website is launched.

The location of the downloads may change as the website transitions. In the interim, v2.0.4 can be downloaded from:

Application Designer v2.0.4
Services v2.0.4
Suitcase v2.0.4
Survey v2.0.4
Tables v2.0.4

This release includes:

  • Upgraded Android Gradle plugin to 3.1.0 and Gradle wrapper to 4.4
  • Stability improvements for Progress and Alert Dialogs

Resolved issues:

  • #1370 Add sorting feature for available form list @SatyamBansal
  • #1372 Launch server settings if first launch @lakshyagupta21
  • #1373 Configure Services’s Server Setting with a Barcode @laddha-adi
  • #1374 Increased text size of “Select the form to open” from 14sp to 21sp @laddha-adi
  • #1376 Stop menu items from overflowing and becoming hidden @lakshyagupta21
  • #1377 Options for Tables table ordering @himanshusagar
  • #1384 Crash fix for opening browser when no browser is installed @lakshyagupta21

Version 2.0.4 rev 222 APKs are compatible with our new Sync Endpoint and Aggregate 1.4.15.

Documentation for getting started with the Sync Endpoint is available at:

Detailed documentation about the APIs can be found at:
Tool Suite Javascript framework and formDef.json (Survey) format · getodk/getodk Wiki · GitHub
ODK 2.0 Synchronization API (RESTful) · getodk/getodk Wiki · GitHub