ODK 2 Developer Call - 2018-04-24

ODK 2 Developer call

TIME: :sparkles: Tuesday, April 24th, 2018 at 4:00-5:00 UTC (Monday, April 24th @ 9 pm PDT) :sparkles: (convert to local time)

Note: there are two ODK 2 developer meetings a month at different times to accommodate interested parties in various parts of the world.

We will be using Open Data Kit’s Uber Conference system:
LINK: https://www.uberconference.com/opendatakit

Please post below topics you would like to discuss at the meeting :point_down:

I would like to share progress on peer-to-peer synchronization.

Here is a draft of the Peer-to-Peer Synchronization Design Document. Feel free to comment on the Google Doc, on Slack, or on this thread.

ODK 2 Developer call Agenda

TIME: :sparkles: Tuesday, April 24th, 2018 at 4:00-5:00 UTC (Monday, April 24th @ 9 pm PDT):sparkles:

We will be using Open Data Kit’s Uber Conference system:
LINK: https://www.uberconference.com/opendatakit

The agenda will match the other April call:

  • Discuss design of peer-to-peer synchronization
  • The ODK 2 documentation revision is launch docs.opendatakit.org/odk2
  • Discuss what features and priority fixes should be included in the next release (2.0.5)

April 24th, 2018 ODK 2 Developer Call Summary:

The next call will be on :sparkles: Tuesday, May 8th, 2018 at 15:00-16:00 UTC (8am PDT) :sparkles: (convert to local time) . Note: there are two developer meetings a month at different times to accommodate interested parties in various parts of the world.

Call Recording:


  • @Jeff_Beorse discussed the launch of ODK-X documentation — ODK-X Docs and the major changes are finished.
  • Docs now has perspectives for deployment architect, platform developers, system administrators
  • Welcome community contributions to Docs using Pull Requests. Report issues you find with the ODK 2 docs on the docs issue queue.
  • @linl33 gave a brief overview of the peer-to-peer synchronization design document
  • Discussed peer-to-peer optimizations proposed by @bs
  • Current plan is to release version 2.0.5 in the first half of May.