Problem with data of type birthday

Hello everyone

Once again I ask for your help, I have declared a field of type birthday. The problem is when selecting the date options for future years come out. For example, the years are listed from 1921 to 2071.

Is there a possibility that they are only listed from 1921 to the current year, that is, 2021?

Could this be considered an improvement for this type of data?


You can use the birth_date type, this prompt type only shows the current year and earlier years.
Note that it is birth_date not birthday.

Hi @ linl33

Ohh sorry :pray:, I must have made a mistake in writing, the type of field I am using is brithdate, do the test declaring the field as you mentioned birth_date and it generated an error on app designer.

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@ linl33 once again I apologize I just did the test once more in the app designer and this time if you have solved the problem, thank you very much for the help!

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