Struggling with Customizing Forms in ODK-X


I am currently facing difficulties while trying to customize forms within the ODK-X framework and need some advice. My goal is to enhance existing ODK-X forms with additional functionalities.

I am facing issues during deployment, experiencing unexpected errors and inconsistencies during data collection and form navigation. I have followed the customization guidelines provided in the ODK-X documentation-splunk guide and utilized tools like ODK-X Build.

Even after this, I am not able to debug the issues. I would greatly appreciate any advice from the community on successfully integrating custom functionalities or troubleshooting form customization issues within ODK-X.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards, :slightly_smiling_face:

@boblewis since there are many advance features it can be challenging to document it at different levels of skill that a user has. Perhaps you can ask a specific question and can point you in the right direction. The logs generally have the errors you are seeing. Survey forms can be debugged in chrome via app-designer.

FYI. There is no ODK-X Build. The build tool was part of the ODK tool suite. There was a separation between the Original Open Data Kit project into two toolsets