Welcome Outreachy Winter 2023 Applicants!

Hi @Matilda_Anashie! If you have a question about a particular issue, please comment on that issue, as that way everyone can see information linked to the issue and track what is going on! Thanks!

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Hello everyone, I am Shruti Pal from India. I am a frontend developer, my techstacks include NextJs, NodeJs, Typescript, TailwindCss. It is my first opensource contribution and I am excited to work with you all!


Welcome! @Shruti_Pal

I look forward to collaborating with you.

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Greetings from México. Been a long time fan of ODK and the work you do. I’m a biologist and did my bachelor thesis with it, but never got to use ODK-X. I think this is a great opportunity to learn more about it and hopefully contribute to it. I’m looking forward for the experience!


Hi everyone ! My name is Maham Tariq; mother of a baby girl and a computer engineer.Excited to join this community and embark on a journey of open source. I want to contribute to documentation project.

Hope I am not late !!


Hello everyone! My name is Edwin Gah but you can call me Ed-Gah. I am from Cameroon. I am an Outreachy applicant and I am really thrilled to be part of this community, I am here to contribute to this community, meet new people, new challenges and learn from them. I want to actively make contributions to the project “UI improvements to ODK-X Tables and Survey”.


Welcome Edwin :blush:. I look forward to collaborating with you.


@elmps2018 where is the link to the list of issues on github?

@ProductGuyyy, this is the issues queue link mentioned earlier: Issues · odk-x/tool-suite-X · GitHub