Will the real ODK 2.0 website please stand up?

I’ve been following the ODK 2.0 releases on the old site, and it seemed like ODK 2.0 was stalled:

I didn’t know about the new (or other) 2.0 site until today:

Perhaps I’m the only one who was confused by this, or perhaps there are many of us.
Would it make sense to take down the old site or update it to point to the new site?

So that website was created as a possible replacement for the existing opendatakit.org, with a focus on the ODK Collect toolset. In fact if you start at the main page and click get started, it takes you to a getting started guide for ODK Collect: http://opendatakit-dev.cs.washington.edu/1_0_tools/getting_started

While the site is functional and operational, and includes all the imported news articles from the current opendatakit,org, the last time I checked it was only being considered as one option. I wouldn’t call it the “new” opendatakit website; there hasn’t been an administrative decision made yet, or if there has, the results weren’t published.

The people who would know more about the issue are Yaw, Richard and Waylon, who should all feel free to correct me if I’ve messed something up

Thanks for the clarification Niles. As far as ODK 2.0 goes, it seems to have a lot newer information, but I can understand that both sites may be in transition.