ODK-X Sync Endpoint on my company's server

Hi @Patrick30! As you are new to the community, when you get a chance, please introduce yourself here.

1/2/3. You should be able to install ODK-X Sync Endpoint on your own server, see custom database instructions here: ODK-X Sync Endpoint — ODK-X Docs

  1. You can use suitcase to download from whatever address, see ODK-X Suitcase — ODK-X Docs

  2. I am not sure the details for cloud services that aren’t documented, but the general pre-reqs are here: ODK-X Sync Endpoint — ODK-X Docs

  3. The ODK-X tools are compatible with Aggregate v1.4.15 and are no longer recommended. See details ODK Aggregate Tables Extension — ODK-X Docs