Search in table and list results. (ODK tables)

Hi all

I’m playing around with the HOPE-project included as an example application, to configure the code to my own surveys.

In the HOPE-project, one is able to search on client ID’s. I’m trying to alter the javascript femaleClients_list.js.txt (4.7 KB), to display more than more than one search result.
Eg. if two clients have ID = 12345 the search function should list both clients. Now only the first entry is listed.

  1. Does anyone know how to implement this functionality? I imagine this could be done by looping over the search results using searchData.getCount(). But I’m not able to list all search results.
  2. Is there any documentation on the ODK-functions, such as: odkData.query(), odkTables.openTableToListView(), odkData.arbitraryQuery(), etc. explaining their input parameters?

I’m very inexperienced working with javascript - any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately, no there is not a good document besides reading the source code. The beginnings of the documentation is here:

Hi, @Andreas
I am also following the HOPE-project from Longitudinal Clinic Study App — ODK-X Docs, where it’s explicitly mentioned that

The Hope Study application (and all other Data Management Applications provided in these docs) come with a full copy of the Application Designer they were developed in.

Is it possible that, i can get repositery or source codes only related to HOPE project or what are the required editing to master branch of App Designer (GitHub - odk-x/app-designer: A design environment for creating, customizing, and previewing your forms, data curation, and visualization applications.) which will contain files related only to HOPE project.

Hi @Prashant! It looks like the Hope project comes bundled with other apps, but you could certainly delete those in order to get just the Hope project to work on.

Any resolution to this? I have the same problem i.e. only the first row is displayed.