Welcome Outreachy Applicants - Spring 2024

Welcome prospective Outreachy applicants! ODK-X is excited to be participating in Outreachy this spring!

About ODK-X
Data collection and management is a key component of social good efforts ranging from polio elimination to rainforest conservation to labor justice and the ODX-X project provides a tool suite which contains tools to meet those needs. ODK-X is a platform to build custom apps that enable users to manage and visualize their data just as well in the field as they do in the office.

If you have any questions about internships in general, please ask in the comments for this post! We prefer you use the forum for communication so all time zones can have a chance to respond. If you have a question that needs a real-time answer or just want to chat, you can find us on the internship Slack (Note that this invite link expires every so often, let us know below if it is not working). We also have channels for specific topics.

We aim to have all conversations in public to increase transparency and knowledge sharing. In this spirit, please refrain from messaging community members directly!


We have two potential projects (details):

  • Create Android Tests for ODK-X’s Android tools
  • ODK-X mobile apps UI Design Consistency

Getting Started

  • Read over this post and Outreachy’s guidance for contributing very carefully and ask below if you have any questions
  • Look over the ODK-X website and ODK-X documentation to familiarize yourself with the project
  • Introduce yourself here
  • Join the internship Slack and talk to community members and mentors.
  • Check out the issues queue and find an issue you might want to work on. The issue tag “Outreachy Spring 2024” designates issues you should look at first. Additionally, “good first issue” or “easy win” tags identify good issues to start with. Comment to request the issue be assigned to you and one of the mentors will follow up!
  • We are in the process of releasing a new version of ODK-X. Please use the “upgrade-jdk11” branch in all GitHub repositories that contain mobile application code. This is the ONLY branch that will work with newer versions of Android Studio. NOTE: The documentation repository is using the main branch.
    *If you’re encountering the “You must use a Chrome or Safari browser” error when running grunt -adb, it’s likely due to the removal of the built-in DB on Chrome. Until mid-2024, you can resolve this by re-enabling it using chrome://flags/#web-sql-access.

However, it looks like you can re-enable it until M123 (Mid-2024) by using chrome://flags/#web-sql-access

Applying to be an ODK-X intern
If you make and record a contribution you can then, at the end of the contribution period, submit your final application by April 2.

We recommend starting to discuss your project ideas as soon as you can! The earlier you start your contributions, the stronger your application will be.


Thank you for such a detailed explanation, Looking forward to contribute.

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Thank you for the welcome… Looking forward to making meaningful contributions.

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Thank you for this detailed explanation. The link to the slack community is no longer working

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Thanks for letting us know, it seems to be working for me now and others, please try again and let us know if you are still having issues.

Thanks for the welcome. Unfortunately, the slack link no longer works, can we get a new link pls?

Thanks for the hearty welcome. I hope i get to make impactful contributions. I do have a question about the aforementioned project ideas.
Maybe shedding more light on this would help. Are we to come with projects during the contribution phase? What kind of projects do expect or are of interest to the organisation?

Thank you.

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@Stryker101 there are two specific projects, discussed above,

  • Create Android Tests for ODK-X’s Android tools
  • ODK-X mobile apps UI Design Consistency

and there are details here: Outreachy Internships | Apply | Pick a Project
if you click on the projects on that page.

You will need to propose, in your application, the details of how you would complete the projects. During the contribution period: Check out the issues queue and find an issue you might want to work on. The issue tag “Outreachy Spring 2024” designates issues you should look at first. Additionally, “good first issue” or “easy win” tags identify good issues to start with. Comment to request the issue be assigned to you and one of the mentors will follow up!


Thank you for the detailed information and welcome. The slack link is currently not working at my end. I’d appreciate getting a working link.

Hi everyone! If you’re having trouble with Slack try this link: Slack


This worked, thank you.

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Thankyou for the detailed information.

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So I’m a bit confused. The two issues with the Outreach 2024 tag indicates that they do not need to be assigned to anyone.
Do we still need to ask for these to be assigned to us specifically?

If this is the case, may i request the “good second issue” be assigned to me?

Hi @Stryker101! @W_Brunette can you clarify this one?

But in general if you want to work on an issue you need to request to work on it on Github, not on the Forum, thanks!

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Hi everyone,
I’m Siva, joining from India. Ready to dive in and contribute!


Hi. The slack link is not working

Did you try this one? I think this one worked for folks

It worked. Thank you @elmps2018

Hi @W_Brunette I am trying to join the slack channel but the link appears to be broken. Could you kindly post a new link? Thanks